Tag thought leaders

58 min watch
Dr. Rebecca Cliffe of the Sloth Conservation Foundation

Save the Sloths and You Save Everything Else with Rebecca Cliffe (Episode #179)

Dr. Rebecca Cliffe is the founder of one of the world’s largest organizations for the conservation of the endearing, always-smiling sloth. Sloths aren’t just the latest trendy, adorable animal: Dr. Cliffe is here to inform us that they are worth every moment of constant attention and adoration, and to help us understand how we can assist this remarkable wildlife partner.
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50 min watch
biomimicry content strategist katie losey

Looking to Nature to Solve Complex Problems with Katie Losey (Episode #178)

Did you know that many of the design and engineering problems we face today have actually already been solved through millions of years of evolution, by nature itself? Katie Losey, a science writer, is passionately advocating for the use of biomimicry—the study and application of nature’s hidden genius—in modern-problem solving.
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1 hr 4 min watch
Podcast Host & Retired Media Executive Bill Burke

Why Optimism Is Your Greatest Survival Skill with Bill Burke (Episode #177)

Bill Burke is the former CEO of The Weather Channel, and former President of the TBS Superstation. His long life at the highest echelons of media leadership has made him a master at choosing his own perspective, and he considers optimism to be one of our greatest superpowers. In this episode, he shares his insights about how it’s possible to harness the power of optimism with a few key strategies.
Read MoreWhy Optimism Is Your Greatest Survival Skill with Bill Burke (Episode #177)
1 hr 15 min watch
Consultant, executive, and educator Kyle Dodson

Finding Common Ground, No Matter How Far Apart We Stand with Kyle Dodson (Episode #176)

Kyle Dodson is a master when it comes to building bridges within communities. He can turn almost any negative notion on its side, inspect it from a fresh angle, and transform it into a source of positive ripple effects—and in that rare talent, he shows us how to invite others into a place of possibility.
Read MoreFinding Common Ground, No Matter How Far Apart We Stand with Kyle Dodson (Episode #176)
1 hr 10 min watch
Abby Wren and Wade Holland

Here’s Your Permission Slip to Embrace Your Individuality with Abby Wren and Wade Holland (Episode #175)

Abby Wren and Wade Holland are pushing back the edges of what’s “acceptable” and opening up a whole new landscape for people who would like to celebrate their uniqueness more. If your inner light is being dimmed, even a little, by the pressure to fit in or some other life circumstance or limitation, this episode is for you.
Read MoreHere’s Your Permission Slip to Embrace Your Individuality with Abby Wren and Wade Holland (Episode #175)
2 min read
Image: A person holding a snow globe

Lessons From a Snow Globe and Other Insights

Have you ever shaken a snow globe? Picture the picturesque scene it holds inside, and see in your mind how it grows hazy as if snow is falling. Could the snow falling be a great representation for our mental chatter, quickly spinning us out of control until we can't see our hand in front of our face? Here's a story of how we can eliminate that snow in our brain and bring tranquility back into our lives.
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1 hr, 3 min watch
A photo of ecologist Rodger Savory in the field.

Healing the Planet by Transforming Sand Back to Soil with Rodger Savory (Episode #174)

In our rush to solve problems, we often overlook simple logic that holds the key to enormous progress. When it comes to turning the man-made desert wastelands of our planet back into the lush, productive forests and grasslands they once were, Ecologist Rodger Savory has one of those transformational observations that the world could be embracing.
Read MoreHealing the Planet by Transforming Sand Back to Soil with Rodger Savory (Episode #174)
52 min watch
Jill Donahue Conspiracy of Goodness Podcast

Want Work that Feels Expansive? Find Your Noble Intention with Jill Donahue (Episode #173)

Jill Donahue has a story that is a shining example of how it is possible to respond to tragedy in a positive way that opens a life of purpose. Working in pharma, Jill responded to her family's health tragedy with a renewed energy to empower her colleagues in pharma to love their work and do better at it by connecting with their purpose to change lives. To that end, she's become an author and sought-after speaker, sharing what she's learned about connecting with and living your purpose at work to create better outcomes for everyone.
Read MoreWant Work that Feels Expansive? Find Your Noble Intention with Jill Donahue (Episode #173)
68 min watch
National Geographic Explorer and Whale conservationist Katherina Audley

Mexico’s Whales are Winning as Everyday Heroes Work Together with Katherina Audley (Episode #172)

Katherina Audley is a National Geographic Explorer and whale researcher who has found a way to build community and restore the natural world in unique ways. She has helped a small village in Mexico come together to support the rare ecosystem that surrounds them, building a prosperous future for everyone—even in places over 200 miles away!
Read MoreMexico’s Whales are Winning as Everyday Heroes Work Together with Katherina Audley (Episode #172)
2 min read
Image: A young boy staring at the first stair of a staircase, wondering if he should start up them.

Small Steps Build Momentum. Just Start!

Often, we can accomplish more by just committing to starting, rather than focusing on the bigger goal. Once we are over the hump, it’s often easier than we expect to just keep going. The law of inertia cuts both ways—people at rest tend to stay at rest, but people who are in motion tend to stay in motion too. Here are some tips on how you can just start!
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55 min watch
headshot image dr. keneiloe molopyane paleoanthropologist

As You Rise, Raise Others with You with Dr. Keneiloe Molopyane (Episode #171)

Do you remember your childhood dreams, when you aimed to be something audacious? When she was a child watching cartoons, Dr. Keneiloe Molopyane declared that she would one day be the first South African, black, female archeologist—and now she is! Her story is inspiring in so many ways. Not only is she working in the famous Cradle of Humankind, she has also earned the distinction of being a National Geographic Explorer.
Read MoreAs You Rise, Raise Others with You with Dr. Keneiloe Molopyane (Episode #171)

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