Tag Environment

These feats of conservation and sustainability hold countless examples of people following their passions for protecting our planet. Let your curiosity guide you as you explore fascinating corners of our environments and discoveries that are moving us toward a greener future.

58 min watch
Dr. Rebecca Cliffe of the Sloth Conservation Foundation

Save the Sloths and You Save Everything Else with Rebecca Cliffe (Episode #179)

Dr. Rebecca Cliffe is the founder of one of the world’s largest organizations for the conservation of the endearing, always-smiling sloth. Sloths aren’t just the latest trendy, adorable animal: Dr. Cliffe is here to inform us that they are worth every moment of constant attention and adoration, and to help us understand how we can assist this remarkable wildlife partner.
Read MoreSave the Sloths and You Save Everything Else with Rebecca Cliffe (Episode #179)
50 min watch
biomimicry content strategist katie losey

Looking to Nature to Solve Complex Problems with Katie Losey (Episode #178)

Did you know that many of the design and engineering problems we face today have actually already been solved through millions of years of evolution, by nature itself? Katie Losey, a science writer, is passionately advocating for the use of biomimicry—the study and application of nature’s hidden genius—in modern-problem solving.
Read MoreLooking to Nature to Solve Complex Problems with Katie Losey (Episode #178)
1 hr, 3 min watch
A photo of ecologist Rodger Savory in the field.

Healing the Planet by Transforming Sand Back to Soil with Rodger Savory (Episode #174)

In our rush to solve problems, we often overlook simple logic that holds the key to enormous progress. When it comes to turning the man-made desert wastelands of our planet back into the lush, productive forests and grasslands they once were, Ecologist Rodger Savory has one of those transformational observations that the world could be embracing.
Read MoreHealing the Planet by Transforming Sand Back to Soil with Rodger Savory (Episode #174)
47 min watch
Image: Anne Therese Gennari

Shifting the Climate Change Narrative: Fearful, or Full of Possibility? with Anne Therese Gennari (Episode #162)

“Climate Optimism.” Now those are two words you don’t see together very often! In this episode, Anne Therese Gennari (mercifully) gives us a fresh perspective on how we can carry our concern about climate change. In her new book, The Climate Optimist’s Handbook, she moves our mental chatter from the gloom of anxiety and guilt, to the thrill of possibility and enthusiasm for all that is happening to improve the future.
Read MoreShifting the Climate Change Narrative: Fearful, or Full of Possibility? with Anne Therese Gennari (Episode #162)
62 min listen
Image: Brandi Parker

Solutions to the Tension Between Convenience and Sustainability with Brandi Parker (Episode #158)

Brandi Parker has some uplifting and even “freeing” new ways for us to think about our lives as consumers (with less guilt and shame.) She’s helping us all—industry included—get clarity about who should be responsible for the things we need to “throw away.” Instead of consumers bearing the burden for the “end of life” for everything we buy, she is proposing that the brands we love should be responsible for what they’ve made and put out into the world. And we can push them to do that!
Read MoreSolutions to the Tension Between Convenience and Sustainability with Brandi Parker (Episode #158)
7 min read
Image: Seed robot in the dirt

These Tiny Wooden Robots are a Future Forest Falling From the Sky!

Get ready to discover your new favorite (well, maybe second favorite) corkscrew! The best scientific breakthroughs are often inspired by nature, and today we’re exploring a game-changing innovation that was inspired by nature, for nature. Prepare to be wowed as we propel ourselves deep into the origins of a new self-seeding robot that is tackling deforestation from the sky above!
Read MoreThese Tiny Wooden Robots are a Future Forest Falling From the Sky!
47 min listen
Image: Claudia Ruane

Turn Your Sustainability Sacrifices into a Joyful Game with Claudia Ruane (Episode #149)

Dr. Lynda sits down with Claudia Ruane from an amazing company, Do Nation, that is turning the loss and sacrifice model of “living sustainably” on its head and making it possible for people to change habits and feel expansive, important, and energized. Do Nation is connecting businesses and all of us as individuals—each in our own way—to small acts that can really move the needle in mitigating climate change and putting a spring back in our steps.
Read MoreTurn Your Sustainability Sacrifices into a Joyful Game with Claudia Ruane (Episode #149)

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