Category Happiness & Hope

Need a pick-me-up? These feel-good tales of people changing the world for the better will restore your confidence in humanity and put a spring in your step.

Image: Donna Cameron

How to Make 2022 Your Kindest Year with Donna Cameron

In this practical workshop, Donna shares the benefits of kindness (health, business success, relationships, personal satisfaction…), the barriers to kindness (what sometimes makes it difficult for us to give and receive kindness), and the skills of kindness (most are simple, but not necessarily easy). As she reveals both the why and how of choosing kindness, she teaches us how to claim this life-changing—and world-changing—power.
Read MoreHow to Make 2022 Your Kindest Year with Donna Cameron
55 min listen
Image: Genevieve Piturro

7 Million Pajamas to Kids in Need: Helping Where You Can with Genevieve Piturro (Episode #66)

Genevieve’s life changed forever the day she made it her mission to get children in emergency shelters across New York City a pair of pajamas. When you help wherever you can, even the simplest gestures can have a massive impact. Genevieve Piturro is the founder of the Pajama Program, an initiative that helps kids in need get the clothes they need.
Read More7 Million Pajamas to Kids in Need: Helping Where You Can with Genevieve Piturro (Episode #66)

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